A reality strongly rooted in Alba, the capital of the Langhe.

The Mario Rivetti winery stands on a prestigious hill just above Alba. Always linked to the territory, today Anna and Loredana continue the family business with a constant love for Alba and the Langhe, which has united the Rivetti family for three generations. Precisely for this reason, the approximately 10 hectares of our vineyards are located around the company in the municipality of Alba, at an average height of 350 meters above sea level.


We personally take care of our vineyards.

Caring for the vineyard always rhymes with respect for the environment. Being in the vineyard means listening to nature, following its rhythms and preserving it for our children. These are important values that we want to pursue with determination, and this has led us for years to adhere to integrated pest management, respecting the natural cycle of the vine to implement sustainable agriculture and offer a healthy product that respects both mankind and the environment. The training system is “guyot'' while the pruning is carried out with the “willow head” method.


Our land is precious, not only for its fruits, but for its heritage and the hills of the Langhe are precious territories rich in history.

Bricco Capre, literally the “Goat’s cliff”, is one of the symbolic points of Rivetti's history. From here, in fact, superior wines are born, the flagship wines of our whole production. Although the name may be difficult and hardly attributable to wine, with its 40 years of history, it is the oldest vineyard of our company. The particular denomination is due to its conformation, not very common for a hill, so that it was often associated with pasture activites. On the other hand, its clayey and calcareous soil is perfect for growing grapes, which is where the production of Barbera d’Alba, Dolcetto d’Alba and Nebbiolo d’Alba Superiore was born and continues to be characterized today.

Furthermore, a hill of high historical value, since the partisans gathered here in October 1944 for the conquest of Alba which will give life to the 23 days of the Free Republic.

"The circle of hills surrounding Alba is the thin barrier between the city and the beloved world of the Langhe."
- Beppe Fenoglio